Allotment Diary–Thursday 16 June 2016

I’m starting to come out of my flare today, which was lucky as Matt was joining me on the allotment for some “honest day’s work” therapy away from the office.  He’s a massive veg fan and had a great time snacking freshly picked leaves, beans, berries and radish, and took a huge carrier bag of veg home with him.

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This is what it looked while, unpacked – when he got home.

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He earned his snack though because he helped me with some fence building from the pallets that Jon and I have been painting.  The metal frame will be used for growing climbing veg, or maybe sweet peas.

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I had a bag full of veg too.

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Unfortunately it started to rain before I had time to do any planting, but I’m excited for tomorrow as I have three rows free to plant now!

Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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