Allotment Diary–Tuesday 02 August 2016

I’m finally feeling fully in control of the allotment now, even with a few days away the weeding only took an hour, the cropping took nearly as long.

I decided to pull up a couple of rows of Kohl Rabi as we are not enjoying them and beetroot is a firm favourite, so I’ve planted a couple of extra rows, in ‘Stephie’s bed’

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We’ve also been enjoying French beans and we are running low, so I’ve popped in two additional rows, squeezed in under the trees.

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I’ve chosen a blue stringless  variety, and these should be ready in October.

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On Saturday Debbie noticed a few black fly on one of the chard beds, today they had been completely infested so I cut my losses and pulled them all up and popped in a couple of rows of winter carrots instead.

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Finally I pulled a row of rocket that had bolted and popped in radish,

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Steve Richards

I'm retired from work as a business and IT strategist. now I'm travelling, hiking, cycling, swimming, reading, gardening, learning, writing this blog and generally enjoying good times with friends and family

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