Tagged: All Posts

Asking questions

I have often noticed that the most impressive people I work with are the ones who ask the best questions,  Hal has some hints on how to do this on Reforming Project Management.  His key insight is to use the following two questions, in addition to the traditional who, what,...

Put your users first!

I am really big on “user experience” and this is a useful article on the subject, here is one of my favourite bits: one core principle stands out large from all of these various experiences.  The inversion of control, from the organisation to the individual, is going to become increasingly...

Bill Gates and I work in a very simillar way!

I have just read this article that describes the way that Bill Gates works,  it’s very similar to my normal work style, I bet I spent a lot less on my office though!  I have added my comments to the article in blue: On my desk I have three screens,...

Interesting article on IBM’s Activity Explorer

The idea seems to be to use a single client to manage all of a teams interactions around a specific activity.  It seems like a great idea in principle,  although I have a few concerns about how it will work in practice: I am worried that the process of publishing...

Office 2007 Virtualization with Altiris SVS

I have Office 2007 running now on my Tablet and Laptop, both running XP,  but my desktop machine (2003 server) is not something I would risk putting Office 2007 on yet, mainly because I collaborate with too many people who are on previous versions of Office.  At least that was...

Graham asks – what is architecture?

Graham is grappling with the question, what is an Architect?  I used to be an IT architect and I really struggled with the role, on some days I thought I was a pre-sales technical consultant, on others I was a programme manager, on others a technical trouble shooter and most...

I have finally switched from Newsgator to FeedDemon!

I have been using NewsGator for a long time and I have always stuck with it despite using lots of different alternatives.  However I have finally switched to use FeedDemon 2 which is just too slick for Outlook with an add-in to complete with.  main reasons for the switch: Great...

Synchronizing my Desktop, Tablet and Laptop

Frustrated at the manual work needed to keep multiple machines in synch,  then try Allway Sync,  I use it to keep my Desktop, Laptop and Tablet in synch and it’s working great so far,  what follows is a much longer description that might be worth reading if you like detail!...

The Lotus Notes user experience

The Lotus Notes/Domino Hints ad Tips blog is excellent, I am a firm believer in the integrated user experience and this blog is already helping me to use Notes more effectively.  Integrated attachment editing is a feature I already new about, but it illustrates my previous post about user experience...