Daily Archive: September 13, 2004
When I was at school I tested 137 in the IQ test. I generally dismissed it but I have since done a few personality tests and found them to be very accurate, others have also reliably predicted my personality type, so I must be very easy to read. That got me thinking that there may be something useful to gain from understanding a persons IQ.
When I did the test it was also very clear where I scored high and where I scored low. In fact there were two areas: I did not concentrate on a few of the questions very well, so misread them and I was hopeless at questions that relied on a memory of words and phrases.
Anyway I have done two test recently one was 135 and the other 140. So the school test of 137 was a pretty good mean!
People who know me tell me that personality tests are very accurate for me. One of the most common tests is the Myers Briggs test which you can do here. Using this test I am an INTJ. Which is described variously as the Mastermind, Scientist, Innovator, and Free-thinker, which actually...
As readers of my blog will know I have been working from home since late January. In February my company and I decided that home working was probably for me and that I we should make the switch permanent. It’s been a low process to get official designation as a home worker, but that did finally arrive on the 19th of August. I wanted to share with you the story of getting a business line and broadband installed.
- I get an email from Ms C in HR with two forms, one completed by HR and one that I need to complete

- I correct an error on Form A filled in by Ms C

- Form A is a request for quotation from BT and justification which needs to be sent to Mr X in Internal IT. Form B is another justification which needs to be sent to my manager along with the Quote and then needs to be sent to Mr X
- I send Form A to Mr X

- I then receive a phone call from Mr Y from BT asking me what I need so that they can install it. I have already …