Monthly Archive: March 2014

We Need A Better ‘System’ Of Healthcare

As readers of this blog know I have some health challenges and have certainly had my fair share of issues with the existing healthcare provision in the UK.  I’ve been forced to largely take ownership of my own care, because the NHS has poor execution of integrated care.  I’m not...

Why I Share My Work

I‘ve long been a believer in sharing or narrating my work, my first attempt was using VAX Notes probably 20 years ago, then I moved on to detailed highlight reports (that I continue to this day) but my real focus has been blogging.  After a good start about 10 years...

Just Keep Moving

I’d been feeling tired all week, but yesterday at lunch time, my finger tips started tingling, not a good sign.  By 13:00 I’d taken pain killers to keep me going and to be able to drive, by 14:00 I was struggling to keep my thoughts straight but hung on for...

Communal Responsibility

As I was driving along the prom today I saw a JCB and a couple of guys shovelling sand off the pavements.  A job that not too long ago I’m sure would have been done by the owners of the Hotels that line the prom.  A job that each hotel...

Objectives, Concepts and Principles

I’ve been mainly occupied today working on the next evolution of our organisation, which comprises several thousand people supporting a couple of hundred customers globally.  I did most of this work at Caffe Nero in Preston, working on my laptop, but I worked through the ideas with a senior manager...

Attention To Detail

Many years ago I had the misfortune to have a presentation I gave critiqued by a key customer’s IT Director.  It was a pretty devastating experience at the time, but it taught me a very important lesson, the importance of attention to detail.  Not that I’m much better at creating...

What I like (TV)

This post is part of my What I Like series I’ve decided to write a series of posts trying to figure out what I do and don’t like.  This first post is about TV and I’m prompted to write it as a result of recently stopping watching quite a few...

First day in the garden

There have been a few days when I’ve come close, but today is officially the first gardening day of the year and what a joy it’s been.  Truth be told I’d forgotten what a simple pleasure it is to take a rather ragged garden and start to smarten it up. ...

Keep ‘Yourself’ Busy

I consider one of the secrets of my ‘success’ to be a determination to keep busy.  For most of my life I’d never even considered that there was an option, through school and university and most of my working life I always had too much to do, someone else kept...