Category: Diary Entries

Breach Of Trust

I generally go through life trusting people, I’m sometimes disappointed but it’s fairly rare and it’s a much nicer way to live, thinking the best of people.  One example of this trust is that I like to leave my bike locked up on the drive, rather than in the garage,...

Last Night On Meds

Last night I took my last dose of Pregabalin, so all being well I will have weaned myself off successfully and I will be able to manage the last bit of withdrawal.  I’ve timed things so that I have no travel planned for the next week and nothing stressful to...


Today was dominated by migraine, which was triggered by lack of sleep, which was caused by medication withdrawal – several hours of hell – followed by a few hours of sleeping and then sitting on the sofa with a very woolly head, incapable of doing anything useful. The day started...

Finishing Is Not My Strength

Today was a finishing up day, at least for phase one of the garden make over.  Finishing is not one of my strengths though, I’m great at ideas and starting projects, but the long drawn out process of getting to 100% is not for me.  Still now that I ‘work...

Raised Beds

I’ve been working really hard today, but if there’s two things that I understand it’s the need to pace myself AND the need to break the back of a job.  I did both of these today. I switched the alarm off to make sure I got the maximum rest, took...

Starting Work On The Garden

Debbie surprised me this morning by asking if I wanted to go out for breakfast with her, which was quite a surprise as she hardly ever asks to do anything, preferring to be stuck into her work, it was a lovely surprise. As it was early we went to Toby’s...

Mountain Biking

I woke at the youth hostel first, after having only four hours sleep, so I laid in for another hour before getting dressed and heading out for a morning walk, Rob, Gary and Richard were all still very groggy  but they promised to get up within the hour.  My walk...

Forest Of Bowland

The plan was to meet up with Gary, Rob and Richard at the Slaidburn youth hostel at 10am, which gave me time for an hour at Caffe Nero before I set off and time to wake up.  I’d decided to try navigating there using google maps on my phone which...


Today was a great day, the kind of day that I’d hoped for now that I retired, one of those opportunistic days that fit the weather, my mood and health perfectly.  I slept well, spent an hour at Caffe Nero Lytham and then headed up to Windermere.  For the first...

The Martian

I’m a huge fan of The Martian, I first read it in eBook form and loved it so much that I bought the audio book and I’ve just been to see the movie in 3D.  It’s one of those rare experiences that has worked perfectly in all three media, but...