Monthly Archive: February 2016

Starting Jennie’s Bedsit

The focus for today has been preparing the floor in Jennie’s bedsit ready to lay laminate flooring tomorrow. Before I started that though I slept well, woke up at 7:30 and headed to Lytham, had a quick walk and camped out in Caffe Nero for a couple of hours, then...

Resting and Moving

I’ve taken a rest from working on the house today but I’ve not stopped moving and that’s certainly eased my sore legs and back. I woke up before Debbie today which is very rare, I’d slept well on 60mg of Pregabalin and I’m still feeling good, I’m trying 50mg tonight. ...

Fasting and Working On Debbie’s office

For the first time in as long as I can remember I stayed in the house almost the whole day today, no shopping, no walking, no cooking, just pure focus on finishing Debbie’s office and readying Jennie’s bedsit for re-flooring on Monday.  It’s been immensely satisfying to get stuck into...

Nearly Done

I spent most of the day working on Debbie’s Office and it’s 80% complete now, nearly there! I slept through the night for the first time in probably a month, and I was exhausted so I really needed it, but I only managed it with a low dose of Lycria. ...

Laminate Flooring

Today has all been about the flooring for Debbie’s new office, although I did pop out to Caffe Nero and walk along the prom before I got started.  Jennie and Jon cleared the room yesterday, leaving me to get on with the flooring today.  I chopped the carpet up into...

Resting And Preparing For DIY

Yesterday was hard work so I decided to rest a bit today, which was lucky as I’d forgotten that I’d got a blood test this morning.  The focus for the day has been preparing for laying the floor tomorrow and then setting up Debbie’s office. I had another bad nights...

Rivington Adventures

It was an exhausting day today, in and around Rivington.  I pushed myself hard doing all of my body weight exercises out in the wilds, scrambling off track and doing some really physical exploring.  It was great fun, but not something I’d want to do regularly. The day started lazily,...

Buy Me A Coffee
Thank you for visiting. You can now buy me a coffee!