Category: Diary Entries

Busy Busy

Today was my first day immersed fully in my new responsibility for the shopping and meal preparation and it was quite a challenge squeezing everything into my normal daily routine and I’ve been tired.  Tired because last night I didn’t sleep very well at all, the dreaded restless leg kicked...

Garden Work

Phew, after days of fog the sun came out this afternoon and dried the, over long, grass enough for me to get it cut.  It’s always a challenge with a push mower trying to keep on top of mowing, too long and the mower just jams up, too short and...

Rivington With Stu

When I left work the main thing I was worried about was losing touch with my friends, but that’s not really happened.  Lots of opportunities still present themselves to get together and there’s plenty to talk about besides work.  Although I’m not immersed in the same work as they are...

I’m already missing the sun

I’m already missing the sun, there’s been no sign of it at all today and I can feel the lack of it in my soul.  I’ve just switched on my desk lamp to provide a pool of bright light next to me and it looks a little like the sunshine,...

The Lazy Days Are The Worst Ones

After a hectic and tiring couple of days in London I promised myself a lazy day today, but these lazy days are the worst, too many of them and in retirement they nudge me closer to the slippery slope that leads to lethargy, boredom and depression.  It’s important for me...

Chris Kresser–London

I’m in London today for a seminar hosted by Chris Kresser, who’s done the most in my life (except my Mum) to inspire me to push through my health challenges and live the best life I can.  He’s an amazing individual and right up their with Mark Sisson’s in trying...

Another Day In London

I’m at a seminar tomorrow which starts too early in the morning for me to travel on the day, as a result the trip ended up being crazily expensive as I didn’t realise that this was the end of the school holidays, so the train was expensive and the hotel...

Feeling Very Sick

It was raining when I woke up this morning and unlike some of my friends I’m a fine weather ‘outdoorsman’ so I stayed inside and watched Madame Secretary, one of my favourite TV shows.  I particularly like the family and workplace dynamics and although it’s all ridiculously simplified to fit...


It’s one of my favourite times of year, when I can enjoy an afternoon walk with glorious sunsets.  I like something to tempt me out of the house, Caffe Nero does that in the morning and sunsets do it in the afternoon, star/moonlight does it in the evening. This morning...


Now that my nights aren’t distorted by drugs I’m starting to dream again which is somewhat disconcerting after so many years of dream free sleeping, but it’s also intriguing.  This morning when I woke I was so relaxed from dreaming that I just wanted to snuggle down and go back...