Category: Diary Entries

Near Perfect Christmas

If only it hadn’t rained during the afternoon, we would have been able to go out for a family walk and it would have been a perfect Christmas, but who needs perfection.  As it happened it was near perfect.  I managed to get a good nights sleep and was very...


I started with a migraine yesterday and ate too many chocolates, the migraine proved difficult to shift, even after a couple of doses of cocodamol and I woke in the middle of the night unable to sleep through it, so I watched some River Cottage.  When I woke this morning...

Family Breakfasts

We all like going out for a big family breakfast and Toby Carvery is our destination of choice, of course we like evening meals there too, but breakfasts are less than half the price and just as good and often easier to arrange, especially at weekends.  Today’s breakfast was a...

Grandma Visits

Debbie’s Mum stayed with us today, so we took the opportunity to go to watch Force Awakens at the local cinema with Steph and Graham as well.  We also had our first Christmas dinner with Debbie, Steph, Graham, Jon, Jennie, Anna, Thom, Tess, Grandma.  It was quite a logistical nightmare...

Graham Visits

Today was Graham’s first visit to our house, he arrived on the – not very impressive – train from Preston at about 2pm and then after a quick stop off at home Steph took him on the tour of the town, her old schools, the golf course, Fairhaven Lake, the...

Steph Returns

Steph flew in from Amsterdam today, Jennie and Jon picked her up and they popped into the Manchester Christmas market on the way home.  They cut their visit short though so they could see Tess before she headed off to another very long shift at the Dalmeney. Because Jennie provided...

Living Within My Limits

Over the last 6 months of retirement it’s been an interesting process coming to terms with my limits.  When I was working I was very conscious of my limited physical and mental stamina, but for some reason when I retired I expected this to increase.  Well it’s now clear that...

Selling My Brompton

After discussing cycling a lot with Rob yesterday I finally decided to sell my Brompton, most of the scenarios that I can think of for cycling are met better by fitting a tow bar to the car and a two bike rack and that will cost less than half what...

Windermere With Rob

I’m writing this exhausted but happy after a long day driving to and walking around Windermere with Rob.  The day started slightly earlier than usual to give me time to drive to Caffe Nero Lytham and spend an hour there waking up.  As I was leaving I saw the most...


After yesterday’s four hour walk and with tomorrows Windermere walk firmed up, the focus for today was having a good rest.  I woke up completely exhausted even though in theory I slept for over seven hours, it definitely didn’t feel like it and the foggy feeling stayed with me all...