Category: Diary Entries


Another rainy day but with a few dry spells which meant that by timing things right I managed to avoid the rain every time I went out.  I slept really well last night, which now means I’ve slept well for four nights in a row, to achieve this I’ve had...

Perfection In Nature

Debbie and I watched an episode of Grand Designs this afternoon, a guy who runs a cleaning company was building a new (huge) house to replace a perfectly good existing house that he’d only built a couple of years ago.  He was never satisfied, seeking out perfection and getting in...

Sunshine and Hail

It’s been a wonderful day today, the changeable weather provided amazing clouds and a quality of light that’s just not possible when the weather is all sunshine and blue skies.  Winter waterproofs provided all of the protection that I needed and the intermittent rain and hail only made me appreciate...

Party Time

I’ve spent today in flow, that wonderful state of being busy, but in control, no time to think, just enough time to do.  The day started badly though because I woke up to find that I was running 40 minutes late after forgetting to set my alarm clock, Debbie must...


  I risked the integrity of my wallet this morning after Caffe Nero and headed to B&Q, I normally avoid the place like the plague as I’m always too tempted by all the DIY treasures, but there are a few things that are just too heavy for Amazon delivery.  Today...

Odd Jobs

Another lovely sunrise this morning marked the beginning of a mostly good day, marred only by a migraine in the late afternoon and evening.  Expecting rain for most of the day I took the opportunity of a dry start to walk along the prom into town and then spent most...

Fleas :-(

It’s been raining for most of the day again, but fortunately I got in my morning walk to Caffe Nero and back without a drop falling on me, even so the wind along the sea front was almost as bad.  Caffe Nero time was great as usual, Andy was there...

Rain Rain ..

Well the best that can be said about the current weather is that the grass is looking very lush, I’m a fair weather exerciser though so it’s been a only short stroll into town and Caffe Nero for me and the exercise bike has been well used instead of my...

Lazy Day In Cleveleys

Debbie and I went to Cleveleys today, we went earlier than usual to watch the movie Brooklyn, and to make sure that we had time to get brunch at Cafe Cove.  Although it’s not particularly adventurous I really enjoy our Cleveleys visits, time together in the car, wonderful views, great...

Phase 3 Of My Retirement

I slept well last night but went to bed late, so I was still pretty weary when I woke up today.  I was so tired that I was quite close to skipping my beach walk and taking the short route to Caffe Nero, how glad I was that I made...