Category: Diary Entries

Walking To Brockholes

It was just after midnight when I finally got to bed last night, not because I was working my fingers to the bone of course, but because I just can’t get enough of watching River Cottage Australia, which I like even more than the UK version, because the sun’s always...

Christmas Decorations

Last week I was planning to go walking today, but the weekend’s flare put an end to that plan, so I was hoping for a restful day, pottering around town and home.  In the end though I was feeling well enough to walk into Blackpool from Starrgate and I had...

Swimming Through A Flare

I’ve gradually swum myself through a flare over the last few days, swimming on Friday, Sunday Morning and Sunday Evening, gradually the pain has eased and I’ve felt my strength return although my feet still hurt with every step.  Yet again I’ve proved to myself that gentle activity is the...

Matt and Amy’s Wedding

It’s pretty rare that Debbie and I go to wedding’s so it was nice to be invited to Thom’s Dad’s wedding today.  I’m still mid flare so it required a fair bit of will-power to dress up and travel there, but I did it and I’m pleased that I made...

Working Through A Flare

I’ve had over a hundred flares now and one thing I know for sure is that it’s important to keep going, it’s easy to feel sorry for myself and watch TV all day, but they pass quicker if I keep on moving.  It’s also important to pace myself though, to...

Day With Jennie

It’s not often that Jennie and I get to spend the day together so it was a real treat for me today even though I was feeling way too tired, which is strange as yesterday I was feeling so good. Anyway my day started slightly earlier than usual at 6:40am,...

Domestic Bliss

I’ve had a very activity filled day today as I’ve moved endlessly from one activity to another and it’s been great.  This kind of ‘pottering’ is one of the great joy’s of retirement and something that I never expected.  By not using the car to get from one activity to...


I’ve been chugging along today, suffering from a moderate migraine which has left me very dopey but also quite chilled out.  That’s the benefit of Cocodamol rather than Naproxen as a migraine drug.  Naproxen works about as well, but cocodamol relaxes me and helps me cope with any lingering pain...

Patch Testing

I was planning a big hike today, to walk around and up Pendle Hill, all my walking gear was ready, my bags were packed, my packed lunch prepared.  Then I realised it was ‘patch test day’ and that while I had the allergy testing patches on my back, sweating, and...

Changing Plans

Today has been all about trying to arrange plans for Christmas, at first only Steph was coming to stay, then I secretly invited Graham as a surprise for Steph, he responded saying he would already be with Steph in Amsterdam the week before so wouldn’t be able to come, then...