Category: Diary Entries

Haweswater Hike

Today was the kind of day that I really hoped to be enjoying during retirement, one of those rare days when my body is working, the weather is fine and I have the time to hike, retirement makes two of these variables more likely and it’s working out that way. ...

Family Newsletter

Every year we write a family newsletter that get’s included with the Christmas cards.  I’m not a huge fan of swapping cards, but I do love it when we receive newsletters, even in the Facebook era they are richer and more personal.  For the last few years I’ve been writing...

University Finance

Having spent the morning with Tess on Sunday, I got the opportunity to spend the evening with Anna and Thom today, learning – nothing – about student finance from a a nice young lady from Student Finance England, who seemed to know only the information on her slides, referring almost...

A Day With Tessa

It’s been a while since the last time spent quality time with Tess so I was really looking forward to today and it didn’t disappoint. We met up at Caffe Nero and went to Buckshaw Village Cow Cafe, to meet Neil and Emma.  Neil is a sergeant in the police...

Lazy Saturday

I was up nice and early and headed off to Caffe Nero but the sun was out and I had itchy feet, so I left after an hour and went for a superb beach walk.  The wind was very strong and the beach very wet, perfect conditions for ‘sand rivers’...

Finding Pleasure In The Simple Things

It’s been another unsettled day, lots of rain, wind and hail, interspersed with glorious sunshine puncturing the clouds to create magnificent vistas and I’ve been lapping it up for most of the morning, but I over-tired myself by mid afternoon and started with a migraine that’s been difficult to shift. ...

Scheduling Complexities

Scheduling time with my friends from work continues to be a challenge, the demands on their time are considerable and although we always end up meeting, it’s often on the second or third attempt.  Compared to my easy life, with a mostly empty diary and the opportunity to take full...

Not A Bad Day, All Things Considered

It’s been another difficult day today, every thing has been a mighty struggle against my inclination to do nothing, but I know from long experience that doing nothing’s not in my long term interest, so I struggle on.  I slept pretty well, woke up sore, stiff and weary but still...

Feeling Rough

I’m feeling very rough today, I’ve gradually got worse as the day’s worn on and by dinner I was struggling to stand up for long.  Day’s like this can be a trial, but there’s no pressure on me to do anything now which makes it easier to cope with. My...

Escape From Reality

After a weekend soaking in the gloom that accompanied ISIS’s terrors in Paris and then subsequent brooding about the generally bleak outlook for peace with Islamists in general, it was with great relief that I headed out to walk in nature with Vince today. To think about problems closer to...